Design Journal

Posts tagged with design-communication

  1. Ever heard of the ‘Mom test’, what about the ‘Grandma test’?

    2022-03-15 03:33:39 UTC

    Design is 80% communication and understanding, 20% solution building (personal opinion) Recently, I started my new role in Product Design. Of course, I had to explain to my grandma on the phone what is it that I’m doing at my new job! 🏔 Challenge: ① I need to explain technology,…

  2. Product design notes

    2021-05-04 21:45:34 UTC

    I recently got  3 hot tips on design and communication with your clients/stakeholders and really wanted to share them with you. 💭 My Question– What are the top 3 common communication mistakes new designers make? 🔥 Serhii Hanushchak’s reply:① It’s always good to not underestimate the client’s knowledge of

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